Guizhou liquor global tour – Tasting and promotion conference in Singapore – Singapore China Baijiu Pte Ltd

Guizhou liquor global tour – Tasting and promotion conference in Singapore

On May 14, 2024, the “Guizhou Liquor Global Tour – Tasting and Promotion Conference” was grandly held in Singapore, hosted by the Guizhou Provincial Department of Commerce and co-organized by Singapore China Baijiu Pte Ltd. Renowned liquor companies such as Moutai, Xijiu, Zhenjiu, Guotai, and Guizhou Chun collectively showcased their products in the Lion City. The promotion event invited over 40 representatives from institutions including the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Singapore-China Business Association, Business China, and the CCPIT Representative Office in Singapore. Mr. Charles Oon, Managing Director of Singapore China Baijiu Pte Ltd, President of the Guizhou Business (Singapore) Pte Lt, and President of the Singapore China Baijiu Association, was also invited to attend.

In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, participants freely exchanged ideas and discussed opportunities for cooperation between the two countries in the fields of economy, trade, and cultural tourism. Guizhou liquor experts introduced baijiu tasting techniques, enhancing everyone’s understanding and appreciation of Guizhou liquor.

The exquisite display of baijiu at the event attracted much attention, and the showcased traditional Miao costumes further allowed everyone to delve into the cultural charm of Guizhou. Guests enjoyed tasting the fine liquor, toasting and drinking together, sharing this beautiful moment, and deepening their friendships and cooperation.

Many participants engaged in lively exchanges in front of the baijiu exhibition booths, gaining in-depth knowledge of the characteristics and brewing techniques of different brands of baijiu. Guizhou liquor experts provided detailed explanations of the series of products and tasting techniques of Moutai and other famous Guizhou liquors.

This event promoted the expansion of Guizhou’s renowned baijiu in overseas markets, strengthened economic and trade exchanges and multilateral cooperation between Singapore and Guizhou, enhanced the brand awareness and market competitiveness of Guizhou baijiu, and contributed to the high-quality development of the Guizhou baijiu industry.

The “Guizhou Liquor Global Tour” helps Guizhou baijiu to reach new markets and expand internationally. The hosting of this promotion conference not only deepened cooperation between China and Singapore in the fields of economy, trade, and cultural tourism but also provided more business opportunities for enterprises from both sides.

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