Emperor Pavilion Moutai Night – Singapore China Baijiu Pte Ltd

Emperor Pavilion Moutai Night

Company Event

Emperor Pavilion Moutai Night

The forth Moutai Various Show ,Emperor Pavilion Moutai Night, took a bow successfully on the evening of 29 January 2013.
The theme of the night is Emperor Pavilion Moutai Night. This theme was set to highlight the brand of club one who is our co-sponsor as its Chinese name has a homonymic tone with the Chinese of Emperor Pavilion. Additionally it was intended to provide all the guests a performance feast like royal courts do.
Upon coming of Spring Festival,  Singapore Moutai Baijiu Pte Ltd created a slogan to greet all public. On that night all the guests greeted each other with our slogan, using Moutai  to toast for a prosperous Lunar New Year. One of the guests, Mr. Chen, bought 3 bottles of Moutai at once, he said: “I will bring Moutai home to share with my family on the eve of lunar new year, if I couldn’t finish it tonight.” The atmosphere of that night was extraordinary lively.

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