You Ren Shuo – Chinese Music – Singapore China Baijiu Pte Ltd

You Ren Shuo – Chinese Music

Episode 1 – Gu Zheng

The first episode of “Someone Says ∙ Chinese Music Season” revolves around the theme of the guzheng, allowing us to experience the charm of guzheng music and the profound cultural heritage of the Chinese ethnic group. The guzheng, as one of the traditional Chinese instruments, embodies the essence of Chinese music. It is not just a musical instrument but also carries the emotions and wisdom of the Chinese ethnic group over thousands of years. Through the melodies of the guzheng, we can sense the vast and profound nature of Chinese culture, appreciating its unique charm and depth. In this episode, we have invited a guzheng teacher in Singapore with over ten years of experience in teaching the guzheng. She shares with us the history, knowledge, playing techniques, and the development of the guzheng in Singapore.

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Episode 2 – Gu Zheng

The Zhejiang Zhengqu “Generals’ Orders” is an important piece in the repertoire of guzheng music, widely acclaimed and with a profound impact. This narrative piece vividly depicts the heroic scenes of ancient warriors battling on the battlefield, showcasing their bravery, bloodshed, determination in the face of death, and ultimately triumphant return. The entire composition exudes grandeur, surging passion, and powerful resonance. In this episode, we will guide you through the playing techniques and emotional expressions of “Generals’ Orders” on the guzheng.

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Episode 3 – Chinese Flute

The Chinese flute, with its melodious tunes, carries profound cultural significance, and its refreshing and expressive tones evoke a splendid tapestry of millennium-old melodies. In this episode, we will delve into the ancient instrument’s historical roots, diverse schools of style, and intricate craftsmanship. The flute’s sound, clear as a spring, invites us to immerse ourselves in this enchanting musical journey. From the majestic fervor of zither compositions to the fresh and agile notes of the flute, experience the boundless charm bestowed by these ancient instruments. This exploration aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the vast and profound world of traditional Chinese music.

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Episode 4 – Chinese Flute

Apart from unveiling the mystery behind why crafting a high-quality flute takes a whole decade, this episode also invites us to appreciate the melody of “Suzhou Travels,” feeling the dedication of the craftsman. As the notes flutter, we can sense the endless pursuit of music and the inheritance of traditional culture. We look forward to your participation, exploring together the stories behind this musical rhythm and savoring the craftsmanship behind the art of production.

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Episode 5 – Drum

Apart from unveiling the mystery behind why crafting a high-quality flute takes a whole decade, this episode also invites us to appreciate the melody of “Suzhou Travels,” feeling the dedication of the craftsman. As the notes flutter, we can sense the endless pursuit of music and the inheritance of traditional culture. We look forward to your participation, exploring together the stories behind this musical rhythm and savoring the craftsmanship behind the art of production.

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Episode 6 – Drum

The last episode will delve deeply into the exquisite art of drums. Though drums may seem simple, they contain infinite techniques. In different ceremonies, the way drums are played, and their melodies vary, presenting unique charm. Let’s explore this fascinating world of music together, appreciating the diverse facets of drums. Stay tuned for the final episode, allowing the beauty of music to resonate within our hearts.

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