Tourist Attractions – Singapore China Baijiu Pte Ltd

Amped Trampoline Park

Amped Trampoline Park


What’s fun, bouncy and it’s awesome time for the whole family? AMPED Trampoline Park, that’s what! It is an indoor trampoline arena for enthusiasts to jump until as they… “until you drop”. It can be a stress-relief sport for adults and not to worry as it is safe for the kids to play too. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face, it’s suitable for all ages — even kids and adult will love this place. It’s pretty no-frills, but very well-organized as you can book your time slot online and then fill in a waiver form, so that when you can avoid long queues upon reaching the arena because there is limited time slots for the day. Hence when you arrive, you just pop your socks on, collect your coloured bracelet and get ready to jump around!

For more details visit their website:

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